
April 24, 2015 - Dust

It's springtime in Edmonton: geese are goosing, rabbits rutting, squirrels seem squirrellier, and the magpies are flapping and fluffing about it all. The snow has been replaced by mounds and vast skids of grit and Depressionesque dust storms. 

Despite the…Read more

April 8, 2015 - Ulysses Never Sailed Saskatchewan

Still plugging away here at all my social media responsibilities as well as trying to line up shows, get with some players, rehearse, write, apply for grants, keep lining up and realigning all my wee ducks out on the coast…Read more

March 27, 2015 - It's Not Me

I am now stuck in a bit of a waiting game - big plans and limited resources.  Being away from Canada and performing for the past 7 years has meant that I need to work hard at establishing myself as…Read more

March 15, 2015 - Post Gig

Just a quick little note here. Thanks everyone for coming out to my show at the Cask and Barrel this past Saturday afternoon - it was a beautiful day and I don't take for granted that you chose to come…Read more

January 23, 2015 - Vancouver

when i awoke this morning it was raining.  for just a minute i thought i was in Glasgow - but this rain was juicier - they call it a Pineapple Express (i don't know what kind of weather 'express' Glasgow…Read more